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Excise Approval & Customs
Application Form
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Application Form
Please provide the following:
Your Company VAT Certificate/ Number / EORI Number
The local VAT number of the country being despatched to
-The local EORI number of the country being despatched to
-Details on how your Company intend to use the bonded facility
-Details of Directors & business history
-Director confirmation of their history regarding any involvement in the Alcohol Trade
-Please provide the list of current customers
-Please provide the list of current suppliers
-Details of how you undertake due diligence on your customers and suppliers
For any of your clients abroad we require the VAT and EORI number which corresponds to the country being despatched to
Are you looking to Export? If yes which country, which bond and which stock are you going to export?
If your clients are looking to export or move to other bonds in the EU then this can only be permitted if it is for consolidation purposes or local taxes and duties paid for distribution in that country
PHL will seek clarification for any bonds that your customers hold accounts with
Can you confirm that you or any other Director(s) or shareholders have or do not have any current/historical compliance issues with HMRC?
If you could revert the above-mentioned points, we can look to progress the application
Please note that PHL will need to seek approval from HMRC to act as a duty representative, and that the above questions / tasks could result once answered in highlighting further questions etc.